Welcome What is MISGA?

Want To Join Musket Ridge MISGA?

[CLICK HERE] for information about joining.


As a Musket Ridge MISGA Associate, you must have a current handicap through Musket Ridge to play in MISGA mixers. If you presently do not have a handicap, you will need to add your playing scores, including either 9 or 18 holes, into the system to build a handicap. Your handicap can be maintained at Musket Ridge. To find out more about maintaining your handicap, see our handicap page.


MR MISGA Schedule of Events

To view the Musket Ridge MISGA schedule, click on the yellow Schedule tab above.


What's Happening with MISGA

All MISGAGRAMS are downloadable from the menu page of MISGAGRAMS at: http://www.misga.org/misgagrams.htm